Thursday, September 01, 2011

Diabetes Art Day: Body Art!!

It is a far,far,better thing that I do then I have ever done before.-A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens

You're worth the 3 AM check,the 12 AM check,& all the checks in between.

You're worth the 200+ kicks daily,mostly in the middle of OB class(a veritable Mexican Jumping Bean). As I learn about Leopold's Maneuvers and fetal monitoring strips,you don't want me to be too caught up in delivering other people's babies that I forget about my own.

You're worth the heartburn,nausea,caffeine/food deprivation,random joint aches,& back pain.

You're worth turning 30 for.(happy Birthday,& don't start falling apart twice as fast now,self)

You're worth the Endo gruel-downs.

You're even worth having diabetes for,although I don't suppose one has anything to do with the other. But diabetes defiantly influenced who I married,it influences so much.As much as I hate the circumstances,there is a silver lining to many a dark & dire cloud.I'm doing my best not to screw this up.

And we're halfway there.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


George said...

INDEED!!!!! This choked me up! :)

Valerie said...

Aw, so sweet! And inspirational, I think. :)

The DL said...

This is so beautiful. I teared up! One day your child will read this and be so thankful.

cherise said...


Happy Birthday! Please pass me the tissue! Beautiful.