Friday, June 07, 2013

A Hitchhikers Guide to the Universe: Friends for Life '13

It's coming.

Friend-for-life-itis: an uncharacteristic phenemena experienced by a person with diabetes, family member, or a health care professional most usually in the weeks leading up to the event. May exhibit behaviours such as excessive list making, packing, checking the weather in Orlando, searching for the same such hash tags on Twitter, and squealing in excitement when anyone whenever someone posts to the Facebook page. Does not entirely dissipate upon completion of the event,but can be managed via upon seeing pictures, reminiscing, etc.

This summer, my mother in law will be coming to visit. For three weeks. I expect it to go well, the last time she was here the J-baby was a newborn. He is now mobile(walking), has a world of likes and dislikes, and says a few words. One of his dislikes hates is flying on planes/strangers/hotel rooms, and so I think that this year, it's best if he stays home with Grandma/Daddy. He'll be a much happier camper & not to mention thats the entire reason Grandma is transversing the entire country. I am slightly worried, because I've never been away from my kid for 24 hours much less a week but I think if I A. Call/video chat B. leave voice recordings, etc. he'll remember me.(but if he starts to cry, it will break my heart & wonder if I'm the worlds most horrible mother for doing this & should I jump on a plane immeadietly. I would take him, but I think Grandma deserves first priority.) For over two years, he's been a part of my life & I can't just turn off my Mommy brain & decompress from that in the space of a few days. (He will be fine. I will be too. Temporary Separation must happen eventually, or he'll be 18 years old & off to college & I will have never dealt with it & be a complete mental wreck.)

Friends for Life in the Disney venue is pretty cool, for a variety of reasons. I've always taken advantage of the Magical Express bus(free transportation), and I use Southwest Airlines to check (2) free bags (I take an extra bag with me to fill with free conference goodies. People have joked that I must have a body in there, it's generally that heavy.) Last year was an exception to the rule, as 3/4 of my suitcase contained baby items & no,no way were we bringing home STUFF with the sheer amount of baby, suitcases, several backpacks, car seat, and stroller to juggle through the airport. I also bring back my plastic Disney mug(they sell these for a fee in many of the Disney Hotels) (free refills on fountain drinks) which saves having to spend any money on drinks. (YEMV. They might make you buy a new mug, but I've been lucky. I recycle from year to year.)And if you know anybody with a car, there are nearby Walmarts,etc. where you can get snack/breakfast items to cut down on the cost of food. (the Conferance runs from Wed.night-Friday night,with Sat./Sun morning breakfasts. Most people stay till Sunday morning...which means you will be buying overpriced Disney food at some point).I don't trust their mini-fridges, I have both baked and frozen my insulin vials in them. (necessitating fellow conference attendees generously giving me some) I always travel with a Frio case, & just leave it in the room. (I try to learn from my mistakes)

Also characterized by the desire to hug everyone in sight. I'm not usually an exceptionally huggy person, but that's what FFL does to you. For 1 week out of the year, diabetes isn't so sucky and you are surrounded by 3,499 people who also get it. Working in some park time also helps the whole "magical week" feeling.

I hope to see you there.


1 comment:

Scott K. Johnson said...

PLEASE bring your Diet Coke earrings and wear them as often as you can. :-)